Palm-stearin trip---go to Shandong
Release date:2017-08-03

    On July 18, the manager of tang zhilong inspected the Rizhao and Gaomi.The main purpose of this trip is to discuss the specific cooperation of palm oil import business with local customers and to inspect relevant warehousing and port clearance issues.                                                      

    The tang manager first went to the warehouse to understand the situation and inspected the warehouse environment.The head of the warehouse warmly received a line from the manager of tang, and detailed the related information of the warehouse.Then we went to the port to know the relevant issues of customs clearance, and prepared for the procedure of import in advance.

    In the end, local customers invited tang to visit their related industries and exchanged views on specific cooperation details.Through this trip, we resolved some doubts and determined to cooperate in the work of working on the palm business. 

    Note: palm oil is a kind of vegetable oil. Its production, consumption, and international trading in the world is the largest varieties. palm oil soybean oil, and rapeseed referred to as "the world´s three largest vegetable oil", has more than five thousand years of history.
    Palm oil is squeezed from palm trees on which produces palm oil and palm kernel oil respectively. Traditionally, palm oil contains only the former. Palm oil has been refined and divided into different melting point products, which are widely used in the catering industry, food industry and oil and chemical industry. South east Asia and Africa, the main producers of palm oil, account for about 88 percent of world palm oil production, and Indonesia, Malaysia and Nigeria are the world´s top three producers. China has become the world´s largest importer of palm oil, which consumes about 6 million tonnes of palm oil per year, or 20 per cent of the market.

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