Companies are responsible for food safety
Release date:2017-05-27

  ON May 18,2017, to do a good job in Beijing food safety demonstration area to create work, Xi cheng District Financial Street area held a "create Beijing food safety demonstration area, financial street area food safety knowledge training", China National Commercial New Tone trading co.,ltd. as food enterprises participated in the training.

 At the conference, the leaders of the financial street area and the Xicheng District Food and Drug Administration respectively introduced the background and related job requirements of the establishment of food safety demonstration zones. Xicheng District as the first batch of "Beijing food safety demonstration zone" creation zone, as early as the end of 2014, in accordance with the requirements of the state and Beijing to create food safety city, and actively promote the establishment of work, and comprehensively enhance the level of food safety management level, and to create a work as a good opportunity to improve the quality of life service, optimization of the people involved in the food safety supervision and effective channels, implement food enterprises food safety responsibility, enhance the level of food safety and satisfaction has achieved practical results. At present, Xicheng District create food demonstration area work has entered a critical stage, food production operators are primarily responsible for food safety, should be duty bound to become the main force of this work, become the food market order observer and defenders, take practical action to carry out the safety on the tongue". At the end of the conference, the professor of China Agricultural University Yan Wenjie , trained on food safety knowledge.

  As a food business enterprise, let people rest assured consumption, rest assured the diet, is not only a legal obligation of the enterprise can not shirk, but also an important way for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility, we should continue to adhere to the concept of integrity management, and further implement the main business responsibility ,to create the Beijing Food Safety Demonstration Zone to make our greatest efforts. 

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